Some people do not even know who they are.  They are afraid of showing their true self.  It is like homosexuals "coming out of the closet".  It takes them a while to come out because they do not want people to judge them.  You cannot help being gay any more than you can help your skin color.  People try so hard to be what others want them to that they are in disguise most of the time.  Do not fake who you are.  I am sure that there are wonderful traits and qualities that you possess, so there is no need to hide them.  The people you are worried about accepting you now will not even be around when you get older and begin a career, so forget them.  As for friends, if they are truly your friends then they will accept you for who you really are.
I took Xanax for two years straight.  It was not prescribed to me.  It had gotten to a point that I could not remember what I did the day before.  I would go to work and come home, and go to sleep.  It was the same thing everyday.  Sometimes I would mix alcohol with it.  I used to lose money, my license, my keys, and I would fall asleep in random places.  This is not safe, but while I was on the Xanax it went unnoticed.  I felt that I could function.  This is when it is considered dependency.  My brain relied on that pill to get me through the day.  It starts as abuse.  You know you cannot take narcotics that are not prescribed to you.  If you do you are abusing that pill because it was not intended for you to have it.  Then it goes to addiction.  This is when you want the pill.  You will pay for it.  Then you move to the stage of dependency, which is where I was.  One day I noticed how much I was sleeping.  My daughter told me I slept too much.  That was a wake up call.  I stopped taking them.  I weened myself off of them.  I went from taking 4 mg a day, to 2 mg a day, then 1 mg a day, then .5 a day, and then it was done.  I bought over the counter sleeping pills because I had serious problems going to sleep at first.  I would take the sleeping pill at 9pm and be asleep by 11pm.  The sleeping pills really helped. 

I have done many drugs: weed, Xanax, Percocet, MDMA, Ecstacy, Shrooms, Cocaine, Cough syrup...  None of it adds up to the feeling of sobriety. 
This topic makes me angry.  A rapist is a sick person.  A rapist should get the death penalty.  People who have been raped are not aware of all of the trauma it causes throughout their lives.  Sometimes people hide it, or block it out.  This is not good.  If you hide it, it only hurts you.  Tell someone who can help you.  If you tell someone and they do not believe you then move on to the next person.  If you block it out eventually that suppressed memory will surface.  This causes trauma and could affect all relationships, with all people.  You may feel ashamed, but you shouldn't be,  You did not ask for it.  If you are not sure what rape is...  There are different levels of rape, sadly.  If someone forces sex on you in any way without your consent, that is rape.  Please do not think it is something you did.  It is not.  Someone to tell is critical.  Find that person.  Get help immediately.  If you are raped then you need to IMMEDIATELY go to the hospital.  Do not douche, or rinse off anything.  They can get DNA samples.  Do not wait.
Most of the time teenagers have to get approval from their parents before they can get psychological help.  Sometimes the parents do not agree with the idea.  Sometimes the parents choose a counselor that has never even tried a drug.  When a person can relate to another person's situation the outcome can be more successful.  Any way, many teenagers do not have the money to pay for counseling, so once again, that goes back to the parents.  Would it not be great to provide a safe, productive environment for teenagers?  No drugs, no medication, no feeling of abandonment, no illegal activities, and no danger...
People may not necessarily be afraid, but they may have circumstances that keep them from receiving help.  Money is one thing.  Counseling can get expensive.  Sometimes all people need is someone to listen...  Someone to acknowledge their existence and their accomplishments.  People also do not want others to think less of them.  It is crazy how people will change their beliefs, thoughts, or appearance just to be accepted by other people.  Just be you.  Do not disguise yourself because one day you will be caught and the consequence of that would be worse than you being yourself. 
Yes!!!  Teenagers do stupid things because they are bored and they have too much free time.  The type of center that I am referring to is one that is specially designed for teenagers.  Field trips, small competitions, writing, art, counseling, group discussions, and traveling.  It would be like school , but instead of making them "academically" smart they would develop mental skills needed to lead a successful and happy life.  It would truly make a difference, but it has yet to happen.  I would love to be the one to make it happen.
Gang affiliates are not doomed to a prison of life or death if they have the right support.  You cannot expect someone to stop being in a gang if they have no support system.  A gang is a family.  Many of these people lack one of their parents or even both of their parents.  The gang is the support system even though it produces negative behaviors.  Some people counsel others because it is their job, but if you come across a counselor that truly cares; you would be surprised how much help you can get.  People begin joining gangs at a young age.  I would say around the teenage years.  Why not stop it before it is too late?  Once a person reaches adulthood it is hard to change them because they are set in their ways.  Catch them when they are young.  It is simple to identify gang members.  They are proud and they represent their gang with colors, sayings, and hand signings.  These are just kids who feel some sort of abandonment, so they had to create something like a family in their mind.  If they had someone, a positive someone, maybe they would not have to turn to a gang.  No one likes to feel neglected.